Orchard Ridge Elementary Supply List 2024-2025
2024-25 4K Supply List
- Labeled Backpack (Big enough to hold folders, artwork, and messages) Send everyday.
- Extra Clothes - Send a bag with two extra sets of clothing (both warm and cold weather clothing), including socks and underpants. Label with child’s name both the bag and each item of clothing.
The following items will be shared with the class
- 1 Pkg Washable Markers
- 1 Pkg Dry Erase Markers
- 1 Pkg of glue sticks
- 1 Pkg crayons
- 1 box of tissues
- 1 Pocket Folder (red)
- 2 Boxes of snacks from the approved MMSD snack list
- 4 boxes of 24 crayons
- 3 boxes of markers (wide)
- 1 box of pre-sharpened pencils
- 2 pkg. dry erase markers
- 1 scissors (no plastic)
- 5 packs of glue sticks (15)
- 1 wide ruled spiral notebook
- 2 plastic pocket folder
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 2 boxes of snack (ie. goldfish, Cheez-its, pretzels, crackers)
- 1 set of watercolors
- 1 pair of tennis shoes – for gym days
Wish List
- Coffee filters (for snacks)
- Gallon sized zipper bags
- Sheet protectors with 3 holes for binders
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Highlighters
First Grade
- 20 glue sticks
- 4 boxes of crayons (24 count - Crayola preferred)
- 4 boxes of markers (2 wide sized, 2 thin)
- 2 boxes of colored pencils (24 count)
- 3 boxes of pencils (Ticonderoga or Target preferred)
- 1 Pink Pearl big eraser
- 2 paper pocket folders – red, blue or green preferred
- 5 plastic pocket folder – your choice of color
- 1 pair of pointed scissors (prefer 7” student scissors)
- 4 packages of Post-it notes
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 3 packages of dry erase markers
- 1 backpack
- Last Name A-G - 1 box snack sized zip bags
- Last Name H-M - 1 box quart sized zip bags
- Last Name N-Z - 1 box gallon sized zipper bags
- 1 pack of highlighters - wide or thin
- 3 composition notebook – solid color of your choice
- 1 wide ruled spiral notebook – RED
- 1 box/bag healthy classroom snack (ie: goldfish, graham crackers, animal crackers, pretzels)
- 1 pair of tennis shoes – a must for gym days (no slip-ons)
Wish List
- Sheet protectors
- Zipper locked storage bags - gallon or sandwich (in addition to requested bags)
- Hand Wipes
- Coffee Filters
- Flair Pens
- Smaller size post-its (mini 1.5 x 2)
Second Grade
- 1 box of colored pencils
- 3 boxes pencils
- 4 boxes of markers
- 2 boxes tissues
- 15 Glue Sticks
- 2 spiral notebooks (wide-lined)
- 1 pkgs sticky notes
- 1 scissors
- 1 pair of earbuds/headphones (for computer/ipad usage)
- Last Name A-H – 1 box sandwich-sized bags
- Last Name I-R - 1 box quart-sized bags
- Last Name S-Z – 1 box gallon-sized bags
- 1 pkg pink erasers
- 8 pocket folders
- 1 backpack
- 2 pkgs. dry erase markers
- 2 boxes of crayons
- 2 boxes of a healthy classroom snack
- 1 pkg. 3 X 5 index cards
- 1 pkg highlighter
Wish List
- Plastic straws
- Pipe cleaners
- Sheet protectors with 3 holes for binders
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Flair pens
Third Grade
- 1 box of colored pencils
- 24 pencils (sharpened)
- 1 box of markers
- 2 boxes tissues
- 6 Glue Sticks
- 3 spiral notebooks (wide-lined)
- 1 handheld pencil sharpener
- 1 scissors
- 1 eraser
- Headphones
- 4 pocket folders
- 1 backpack
- 1 supply box
- 1 pkg. dry erase markers
- 1 3-ring binder (1 inch)
- 2 boxes of a healthy classroom snack
Wish List
- Coffee filters (for snack)
- Disinfectant wipes
Fourth Grade
- 3 dozen pencils
- 1 set markers
- 1 set (12) colored pencils
- 1 pkg. dry erase markers
- 4 spiral notebooks (wide-ruled)
- 2 composition notebooks
- 5 pocket folders
- 1 backpack
- Last Name A-F – 1 Box Sandwich Size zipper bags
- Last Name G-P – 1 Box Quart Size zipper bags
- Last Name Q-Z – 1 Box Gallon Size zipper bags
- 1 pair of tennis shoes – a must for gym days (no slip-ons)
- 2 box tissues (large)
- 2 large glue sticks
- 1 scissors
- 1 pair of headphones or earbuds
- 2 boxes/bags of healthy classroom snacks
- 1 eraser
Wish List
- 1 box of crayons
- Coffee filters (for snacks)
- Coloring supplies
- Scissors
- 1 container of sanitizer wipes
Fifth Grade
- 3 dozen pencils
- Headphones/earbuds
- 1 set markers
- 1 set (12) colored pencils
- 3 black dry erase markers
- 2 spiral notebooks (wide-ruled)
- 4 composition notebooks (no spirals)
- 5 folders (all different colors)
- 3 Highlighters
- 1 pair of tennis shoes – a must for gym days (no slip-ons)
- 2 pkg of variety colored pens
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 pack of 3 x 5 cards
- 1 Pencil box/bag
- Pkg. of pencil top erasers
- 1 box tissues (large)
- 2 boxes/bags of healthy classroom snacks
- 1 backpack
Wish List
- 1 pkg. Post-it Notes
- 1 Box of Snack size plastic bags or Box of Gallon size plastic zipper bags
- 1 bottle of hand sanitizer or 1 container of sanitizer wipes